A vision was had. Like the great whale in the ocean. Filtering the waters thru its gills, for the smallest particles of nourishment. We humans transmute the cosmic energies, anchoring them into reality , forming them into time + space. In essence, our life is from source , therefore , let our Life be 4 Source.
On a snowy winter solstice eve, of the great conjunction, and mysterious calendar times, of the ancient Maya, 12/21/12.
A revelation was had, a deeper understanding of the constructs of creation. The gift we have been given to be alive, part of the Family of Light in which all life itself, is a vibration, and this vibration emanates light, in geometric forms, encoding and organizing life itself, into a harmonious dance of unity. Setting the intention on harnessing, disciplining and emanating Unconditional Love. Thru the act of living a humble , patient, and in-tune lifestyle. We can raise a frequency, share it, and cultivate, from within as a singularity and together as a collective consciousness.
In these times, the planet, and the universe , needs support, with all the rise and fall of the human ego, advent of technology, and increase in population. Mother earth has a large weight she is carrying, in so, it is best for us humans given this gift, to be easy, and precise with our thoughts, words and actions. Aligning ourselves to a higher format of being in the natural rhythm of time and space, the constraints that come along with that, such as the 4 seasons, the 4 elements, the light and the dark. As sometimes things may be perceived as separate, all is, in fact One.
Life4Source s a living form of art, an ode to the creator and creation
Proven thru science to increase the vitality of the contents within it . Thru biophotonics, what could be dubbed the language of light, all information is transferred from conscious form through the geometric forms of light carrying the unique vibration from one to the other.
The spiritual path of devotion, needs many tools to help foster and strengthen the practice, this is one potent advantage to have in the arsenal of expansion.
Enter stage left, Life4Source who is committed to the uplifting of humanity, the unity of creation, and raising the vibration on all planes into harmony and Love, Thru the art of drinking pure spring water, ingesting high potency superfoods and a devotional yoga lifestyle.
Life4Source is committed to the uplifting and healing of the vessel we call our body, and the home we call earth.
Devoted to the highest quality tools to aid in the evolution of our healing journey deepening our daily ritual to attune to the universal rhythms of creation.

.:{ Water is Medicine }:.
.:{ You Are Water }:.
.:{ You Are Medicine }:.
water is medicine
The journey for the source is never ending, and always expanding, yet simply resounds to the beginning again. - In search of the purest water, the hunt continues, from valley floors to mountain peaks, we soar, navigating thru whatever terrain comes, while on this mission to find The Source.
Water is such a beautiful and wonderful creation if this world, it has been said frozen balls of ice is what crashed on planet Earth, and seeded the dawning of consciousness, perhaps where we learn to be who we are today, also something that may continue and seed us to evolve. As we connect and work with water , it works with us, as we are the 2 within the 1, no separation beyond what the human is capable of that which water is not. We may very well in a sense be the work force for this divine being, as it guides and aids us in all ways.
It is best source pure spring water, that has its natural crystalized structure, known as Fullerness, coined by Buckminster Fuller, is a term describing the pentagonal and hexagonal forms of the crystals. Thru the deep work of Dr. Emoto, we have now proven, as if it was already know wisdom, that our words , thoughts and actions change this structure. As well as the technology we have invented to carry it from place to place, build villages around it’s life force, and the ultimate advent we see today large scale cities and plumbing and holding tanks, that honestly damage and degrade its structure, breaking it as it shoots thru pipes and polluting it with chemicals.
For those who join on this journey, this is just the Beginning of a much larger awakening and undertaking we are collectively embarking on.

We recommend utilizing the Find a Spring website , to locate the best and purest natural source of water in your area and world wide as you travel. During the course of your travels get to know your water, as it will wishper tales of the lands, the ancients, and tune you deeper into the natural rhythm of life her on this